3 Things You Can Teach Your Elderly Loved One About Using Social Media

If you have an elderly loved one who’s interested in learning how to use social media, there are a few things that you may want to teach them before you just turn them loose on this new platform. With a little guidance, your elderly loved one may find it easier to use this technology to their advantage rather than having it take over their lives or make things more contentious for them.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three things you can teach your elderly loved one about using social media. 

How To Share Content With Others

One of the most enjoyable things about using social media is finding interesting content and sharing it with others. But if they don’t have experience with other social media platforms, your elderly loved one may not know how to share content either to people individually or on their own profile. 

While this might seem like an easy task for you to complete, tagging people doesn’t come naturally to people of an older generation. So if you can share with your elderly loved one how they can tag their friends in their assisted living community or share something in a direct message with someone, they’ll find this guidance very helpful. 

How To Find Information They’re Looking For

Social media can also be used to find all kinds of information. But if your elderly loved ones don’t know what you can find on these platforms or how to best perform a search, this feature can be wasted on them. 

To help them with this, share with them that they can search for things like people and businesses on these platforms, but they can also search for topics and groups that they might be interested in. This way, they can find anything they might be looking for through the search function of their chosen social media platform. 

It’s Okay To Just Explore

While you may not want to encourage your elderly loved one to spend hours and hours on social media each day to the extent that other things in their life get neglected, it can be fun for people of all ages to just explore different social media apps and see what interesting things they can find.

If your elderly loved one doesn’t know how to navigate around the apps they’re using, showing them how to easily do this can help them to just explore whatever content they can find and have some enjoyment in their life feeling connected to people all over the world.

If your elderly loved one doesn’t know the ins and outs of the social media platforms that they’re using, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you teach them some tips and tricks they can use.